Day 1: starting...

It's 20:49pm, it's the end of the day and I'm tired. The reality is I have good reason to be, but the real question is why am I typing this since you've had a big day, there's still lots to do and my brains fried.

I don't know...

... but I do.

I have a very simple belief in momentum and the power to start and form a habit. Even though I have that belief doesn't mean I'll achieve, it just means I'll pick it up and try getting this stone to roll.

So yeah it's late (for me) but why am I doing this.

  1. It's a great consolidation the days thoughts and organise them, they may be personal, intellectual, rambling, technical. I like the idea of a daybook.

  2. Naive optimism that somehow it makes money.

  3. To put myself out there so that I care less. I am me, live with it, I do, or should I say my wife does.

And that was a perfect segue in to about me

I'm a married, with a 6-month-old. I work 40 hour week, study a masters in Computer Science and Data Analytics 18.5 hours a week, walk the dog 6 to 7 hours a week and try to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day. Oh and I've started writing a blog.

Oh I forgot to say I only have 30 min a day to do this, so don't expect much editing to begin with.


Today's thoughts?

I'm studying and oooh my head hurts and I feel like I only just get the gist and don't fully understand it.

Now I just need to go back and write as many questions as I can based on the questions that have been asked in the module. Why did I forget the ankiweb/ankidroid existed.

This is just blurb to get going I don't expect anyone to read it because I haven't told anyone :)


I was in an interview the other day, and I got asked the difference between __init__ and __new__. I didn't really get it right, but I have done some research. Basically when you create a class both of these are called, __new__ first.

__new__ creates a new instance of the class for you. Is not used very often for app dev, but is used in frameworks/factories etc.

__init__ initialises the instance with the attributes. Used all the time.

I cannot handwrite words normally

Now that I'm aware of this, I see it all the time. When handwriting I often miss letters and fill in the gaps!